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Mo. – Fr. 8.00 am – 5.00 pm

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Payroll accounting

Payroll accounting

More than just payroll accounting

Competent bookkeeping and many additional services

We can run your payroll accounting competently and on time. By outsourcing payroll accounting, you save time and money and avoid staffing bottlenecks, while also benefiting from expert advice from our specialized professionals. Nine ETL HR competence centers nationwide guarantee the efficient and tax-optimized processing of your payroll accounting – with consistently high quality standards.

Competent, affordable, and flexible

Switching over is as simple as can be: Send us all your wage and salary documents once, and from then on you only need to tell us about any changes. We’ll take care of the rest.

We will be pleased to provide you with a free comparison between your current internal costs and the costs of outsourcing payroll accounting to us. Minimize your HR management costs: reduce your administrative expenses and increase your flexibility by outsourcing your payroll.

More than just payroll accounting

Thanks to the unique network of tax, legal, business, and financial experts, you’ll benefit from comprehensive, multidisciplinary support and can be sure that you will always receive the best possible advice.

Our other consulting services at a glance

  • nettomax wage cost optimization
  • International secondments
  • Legal consultancy in cooperation with ETL lawyers
ETL offices

You can find our offices here.


Do you have any questions about our services?

Mo – Fr 8.00 am – 5.00 pm